Which is the best looking?

Friday, August 9, 2013


Dodoma sand boas are gorgeous. They tend to stay much cleaner and have a more reduced pattern with very circular blotches and even a patternless head. Hailing from the Dodoma Valley in Tanzania, these beauties have been plugged in with several different morphs with outstanding results. Perhaps the most successful pairing has been with the already outstanding deep deep orange of the nuclear sand boas. Nuclears were line bred by Roy Stockwell of Canada for over twenty years to be the deepest orange with the cleanest patterns, even into adulthood. The combination of these two is called a Nuclear Meltdown which has the best of both worlds. Deep orange, reduced pattern, circular blotches and a very clear and clean pattern. Brian Russo has a NuclearMeltdown male that is also heterozygous for albino and anery, or snow, that throws absolutely amazing babies. The dodomas can often prove to be tricky feeders especially when introduced to new environments. The genetics behind the animals cannot be described as a morph but a locality. The pairing of dodoma and normal sand boas could be compared to two people of different ethnicities having children. The kids wouldnt be one or another, but a mix, in the snakes cases these would be called dodoma crosses or 50% dodoma. 

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