Which is the best looking?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Know What You're Getting

I cannot stress the importance of purchasing your snakes from a reputable breeder enough. My very first snake was a normal female kenyan sand boa. I got it from pet shop in Kansas City and I absolutely adored her. She was sold to me as a "100% Egyptian"; at the time I didn't realize the significance of this, as pure egyptian sand boas are hard to come by. Only now am I realizing that only a couple of people work with them in the entire county, and they don't sell for fifty dollars either. This is why its important that you find a breeder you can trust. Imagine putting down a thousand dollars on a "Het Paint" only to find out you just bought a normal sand boa for twenty times its actual worth. The breeders you can trust are generally the breeders who produce the highest quality animals as well, which definitely wouldn't hurt, especially if you plan on breeding in the future. A few breeders I 'm a fan of are Jeff Holloway, Brian Russo, Scott Miller, Mark Bpp, Mark Huntely, Warren Treacher, Lee Frey and Steven Stephenson. All of them produce great animals.

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