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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inheritable Paradox?

Paradoxes in pattern are very rare. These are blotches or spots of irregularity, different from the rest of the pattern. Now normally these are not able to be passed on to offspring, they just look cool. In sand boas, the albino paradox gene  is in fact inheritable; it's just simple recessive. The morph looks like an albino snake, but with jet black blotches all. These snakes have been selectively bred to have more and more black however, and the recently produced Albino Paradox Stripe tend to have black all over them. This could be because of the presence of rufescens blood, but only time will tell. Paradox Albinos are not the only form of paradoxing that occurs in these snakes. Brother Boa's produced an anery snake, which is normal black and white, that had oranges flecks on it. I believe they have produced more than one, so hopefully it proves to be recessive! I also believe that Sand Boa Morphs have produced a snake with a normal phenotype, but with a small spot of white within the pattern. I am only aware of the one however. It should be interesting to see how the Paradox gene blends with other genes after seeing how it reacted with the stripe. Nothing too major occurred when mixed with the anery gene, just a snow with black blotches. I am anxious to see how it will do with the splash gene, as many albino snakes have a solid white tail because of the gene. Will the paradoxing extend to the splash itself? That would be one killer snake! 

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