Which is the best looking?

Thursday, August 8, 2013


In the post below, you can see a very pretty example of a snow kenyan sand boa. What I want to see, however is how the hypo gene affects it. Hypo is short for "Hypomelanistic". Basically what it means is less color, but it doesn't always appear that way. The albino, anery, hypo combination is fairly common in another species of boa, the red tailed boa. The combination of the three is called a moonglow. These animals are a stunning white, and as their name suggests, they seem to glow. Will the hypo gene affect sand boas the same way though? I am aware that hypo snows have been produced by Scott Miller, but have never seen one. The odds of moonglow sand boas looking like their larger cousins look good, however, as the albino hypo, or sunglow, sand boas look fairly similar. As far as I know, there are several hypo "lines" of sand boas but only one that has proven to be inheritable; Scott Miller's.

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